Volume 5 Issue 10
May 1999

Pioneer Trail Opening
Circle 10 Council

Cub 1: The mountain trail is a steep trail and rocky rough and bare.
All: But most trails are steep trails that get you anywhere.
Cub 2: The mountain trail is a hard trail with pitfalls left and right.
All: But most trails are hard that reach a beckoning height.
Cub 3: So over the rocks we scramble.
Cub 4: With never a mind to stop!
All: And few of us care if it's a steep trail for thought of the mountaintop!

Heart of America Council

Personnel: 5 Cub Scouts
Equipment: Cards spelling out H-E-L-L-O-D-A-D

H: Here we as a pack are gathered every one.
E: Each one here to join in some family fun.
L: Let's pay some honor to dear old Dad.
L: Letting him know that for his support we are glad
O: Our thanks to him we'd like to now show.
D: Dads please stand as recognition we bestow.
A: And let us now as before they stand
D: Do our best to thank them, with applause to show they are grand.

My Country
Heart of America Council

Personnel: 5 Cub Scouts
Setting: Cubs each say a line and then ask the audience to stand and join them in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Cub 1: This is my country. I will use my eyes to see the beauty of this land.
Cub 2: I will use my ears to hear its sounds.
Cub 3: I will use my mind to think what I can do to make it more beautiful.
Cub 4: I will use my hands to serve it and care for it.
Cub 5: And with my heart, I will honor it.

The Den Hike
Simon Kenton Council

This ceremony could be used just before taking the boys on a hike.
Arrangement: Den leader passes out one candle and numbered slip of paper to each Cub Scout. Each boy comes forward to light his candle and read his phrase.

Cub 1: We are going to see nature's treasures.
Cub 2: We will help to maintain nature's balance.
Cub 3: We will observe and learn from nature's animals.
Cub 4: We will help maintain nature's resources.
Cub 5: We will protect them from harm.
Cub 6: We will follow the Law's of Nature.

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