Volume 5 Issue 10
May 1999


Air Routes
Heart of America Council

Players are seated in a circle. Each one is given the name of some city or airport. One player has no chair. He stands inside the circle and calls "All aboard for the plane from Kansas City to Boston". The two players representing these cities must change seats. The caller tries to get a seat during the scramble. The player left without a seat becomes the caller.

Compass Points

From "Scouting Games", Sir Robert Baden-Powell
Simon Kenton Council

With a piece of chalk, draw eight lines, intersecting in "star" fashion, all radiating from the center, to indicate the points of the compass. One line should point due north. One Scout now takes up his position at the outer end of each line and represents one of the eight principal points of the compass. The leader now calls out any two points, such as SE and N. and the two Scouts at those points must immediately change places. Anyone moving out of place without his point being named, or moving to a wrong place, should lose a point. When changing places, Scouts must not cross the lines, but must go outside the circle of players. When a Scout loses three points, he is out of the game.

Stay At The Head Of The Line
Simon Kenton Council

This is a good hiking game. The first person in line asks the next person to identify the object at which he is pointing. If he answers correctly, he goes to the head of the line. If he misses, he goes to the end. This continues until all boys have had a turn.

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