Volume 5 Issue 10
May 1999


A request came in for ceremonies for Unit Leaders. I have come across a few ceremonies dealing with recognition for Unit Leaders.

Den/Webelos Leader
Heart of America Council

Personnel: Cubmaster or committee chairman to act as a narrator

Equipment: Table with recognitions

Narrator is in front of the room facing audience

Narrator: Den/Webelos leaders are not very special people. They're really just like you and me. Oh, just like the rest of us, some may have some special little talents. One may be a whiz at racquetball and another may bake the best bread, but for the most part, Den/Webelos Leaders are just plain folks.

These people have however, given a very special gift to our children. The gift is of our most valuable commodity, time. They give of their time to attend training, plan den meetings, look for and try new ideas, plan picnics and banquets, call parents and play with boys. Their time well spent with our sons helped to mold Cub Scouts into the type of men we wish them to become strong in mind and character, responsible, and giving.

We all want the best for our children. Tonight we wish to thank those who have given their best. Would the following people please come forward?

(Call the names of the Den/Webelos leaders and present them with appropriate items of recognition. Den Chiefs could lead the audience with an appropriate applause. At this time, their assistants can be called forward and recognized.)

Heart of America Council

This ceremony was written using a male as an example.
We recognize women are and can be Cubmasters. Please change proper nouns when appropriate)

Personnel: Committee chairman

Equipment: Table with appropriate recognition

Setting: The committee chairman is in front of room facing the audience

CC: Cub Scouts are taught that Akela means a good leader. They are instructed to honor Akela by listening to him and following him. Our Akela is our Cubmaster and much can be learned by listening to this man's ideas and following his example of service. He is enthusiastic but tempers his enthusiasm by using as his guideline the thought, "What is best for the boys?" He is idealistic, believing in reverence and patriotism, and tries to set the example for these ideals with the Cubs in our pack. He gives much of his time and of his energy to ensure the pack's program appeals to young boys, satisfies their needs and follows the policies of the Boy Scouts of America.

We want to honor our Akela tonight and thank him for his guidance and inspiration. (Call Cubmaster forward and present him with appropriate item of recognition. At this time, his assistants can be called forward and recognized.)

Committee Chairman
Heart of America Council

Personnel: Cubmaster, unit commissioner, or the chartered organization representative could act as narrator

Equipment: Table with appropriate recognition for each

Setting: Narrator is in front of the room facing audience

Narrator: By now most of your know the den leaders and Cubmaster of our pack, but there is a very special group of people responsible for the pack's program and activities you may not know. These people are the members of our pack committee. These men and women are constantly working behind the scenes to plan and organize a lot of the fun things we do as a pack. They are a special group, full of ideas and eager to say, "I'll help." We would like to thank them tonight for the gift of their time and enthusiasm.

(Call forward the members and present them with appropriate items of recognition. At this time, the committee chairman could be recognized for leading this group.)

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