Volume 5 Issue 7
February 1999


Japenese Round
Tune: Are You Sleeping)
Mid America Council
Bento Bako, Bento Bako,
Osushi, Osushi
Namasu to ume
Namasu to ume
Daikon ya, Daikon ya!

Do A Good Turn
Tune: Are you Sleeping?)
Viking Council
Add a few homemade instruments for pizzazz!

Do a good turn,
Do a good turn,
Do your best,
Do your best.
Do a kindly favor,
Friendly to your neighbors,
Cheerful Cubs,
Cheerful Cubs.

Heart of America Council

Personnel: 7 Cubs
Setting: Sing or Chant the following verse with a different motion added for each with a different motion added for each new gift. Keep all the old motions going as each new one is added.
Cub 1: My ship sailed from China all laden with tea. And loaded with goodies for you and me. They gave me a:
Cub 2: Fan (wave hand)
Cub 3: Brush (move other hand over hair)
Cub 4: Stamp (stick tongue in and out to lick)
Cub 5: Flower (wrinkle nose to smell)
Cub 6: Camel (bend knees)
Cub 7: Imagine my bliss. And I kept it going like this.

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