U. S. Scouting Service Project at http://www.usscouts.org


I will be spending Saturday, November 7th in Gadsen, AL which is about an hour from where I live at our UoS. I am going as a participant. If you have any questions about our University of Scouting and would like to attend, please call Derrick Jordan at our Scout office at (205) 883-7071.


University of Scouting--Greater Alabama Council

Over forty different hour-long courses are offered each year at this supplementary training event. In late fall, this event gives a Scouter an opportunity to gain more knowledge in areas past his basic training level. Courses are divided into Colleges of Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, Commissioner Science, and District Operations. In these classes, the well-trained staff of volunteers share an abundance of information on everything from running a pack meeting to outdoor cooking. The University of Scouting will be held on Saturday, November 7, 1998, at the campus of Gadsden State Community College. The University of Scouting is open to all Scouters and will feature courses in various Cub Scouting subjects like Cub Scout Spirit, Rope Magic, Pack Administration and Den Chiefs. Boy Scouting programs will include such favorites as Boy Scout Camping, Cooking, Wood Tools, Campfires and Scouting on the Internet. Other courses will be available in topics like Unit Commissioner Service, Charter Renewal, Youth Protection and Outdoor Program Promotion


Saturday, November 14th

Maple Street Congregational Church

Maple Street, Danvers Massachusetts

8:15 am to 3:00 pm

Registration Fee -- $10.00 per person

For more information and/or directions, they can contact me, Don Bohnwagner (DRBOHNSR@aol.com) or Gwilym Clarke (clarkgj@alfa.com).

Lorie, from South Carolina sent this

Indian Waters Council University of Scouting (formerly known as Supertrain) will be on Sat. Jan 17, 1999 in Columbia SC. Contact person(s):

Hal Donnelly <donnelly@scsn.net> Etowah Creek DE

Lorie McGraw <llmcgraw@ worldnet.att.net>

Etowah Creek District Website http://home.att.net/~llmcgraw/etowah/ecd-indx.htm

or Phone the Indian Waters Scout Service Center at (803)750-9855

From (Karweik, Barbara)

Our Pow Wow is Jan 30, 1999. Our theme is "Be Prepared to Do Your Best" and includes 89 courses for both Cub Scout and Boy Scout leaders. We expect about 1000 attendees. If anyone wants an application form or more

information they can Email me Barb KarweikB@chi.osu.edu their name and address and I will respond.

It will be at Westerville North High School in Westerville OH which is a northern suburb of Columbus OH. It starts at 9 AM on Jan 30, 1999. Our Council phone number is 1-800-433-4051.

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