U. S. Scouting Service Project at http://www.usscouts.org



Simon Kenton Council

9 Cubs each holding a large letter to spell out


I stand for carols and for Christmas cheer

H I stand for holly that's hanging here. (Have a sting of holly from the letter.

R I stand for reindeer. I've never seen.

I I stand for ivy of Christmas green.

S I stand for Santa and skates and ski.

T I stand for tinsel on Christmas trees.

M I stand for message to you from me.

A I stand for angel atop a tree.

S I stand for secrets of every size. All wrapped and waiting for eager eyes.

All: We stand for letters that one by one, spell out a season of joy and fun.

Santa's Big Secret

Santa Clara County Council

Cast: Santa, Reporter, Elves (any number).

Costumes: Santa outfit, Scout uniforms under jackets - elves wear jackets and knit hat or hooded sweatshirts.

Props: Toy making equipment and bags, microphone.

Setting: Elves are in background working, making toys or putting towns in sacks. Santa is directing them when reporter comes out with the microphone.

Reporter: This is Scoop Smith, the roving reporter for radio station KCUB on the scene here at Santa's workshop. Santa, may we have a word with you please?

Santa: Oh, sure, we're really busy getting ready for our deliveries. What can I do for you?

Reporter: All of our listeners want to know how you got into the gift business. Did your father give gifts or what?

Santa: Well, it all began when I was 7 or 8 years old… I just started doing good deeds, you know, helping people and such…and it became a habit.

Reporter: Good deeds, huh. That sounds familiar. Say, what is under that jacket?

Santa: That's my best-kept secret. (Opens jacket)

Reporter: A CUB SCOUT UNIFORM!!! You're a Cub Scout?

Santa: Yes, well, no. I WAS a Cub Scout, then a Boy Scout, and then an Explorer. I wear this uniform to remind me of where it all started…way back years and years ago. I just love helping other people and doing good things.

Reporter: Well, that explains your involvement. But how do you get all these elves to help you?

Santa: Show the man. (Elves open their jackets to show Cub Scout uniforms.)

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