U. S. Scouting Service Project at http://www.usscouts.org


Home Depot offers hands-on projects for kids. Call your local Home Depot and see if the store offers projects for Cub Scouts.

I started doing a "Blue Sheet" for my former RT district, Northstar in St. Louis. After Woodbadge I developed "Baloo's Bugle. This month's theme is "Stop the Presses" and I thought it would be interesting to see the names of other publications being done in the name of Scouting.

Pack 440 in Richmond, VA named its newsletter "The Blue & Gold (in black &white), Grey Wolf, DLC, Pack 440, St. Giles' Presbyterian Church Capitol District, Robert E. Lee Council, BSA, Richmond, VA

The name of my troop's newsletter is TROOPSCOOP. Troop #543, Springville, NY. Jeremy Beyette
The Wolf's Cry, Steve Eisinger, Cubmaster, Dawn Lagrimanta, Editor, Cub Pack 201, Burbank, CA
Our Cub Pack publishes the "Pack Paper" and our Troop puts out the "Blenker Bugler". I believe that I also mentioned our new District (Ojibwa) e-mail newsletter, "The Weekly O-Mail". Jim Peterson, Assistant Scoutmaster, Troop 379, Blenker, Wisconsin I used to be a "Singing" Eagle - C-8L-97 - Working my ticket

Ian from the U.K. sent this
FLYING FISH We were an Air Scout Group sponsored by the United Reformed Church. The URC use the fish as a symbol for their youth groups. The fish is an early Christian symbol. The Greek word for fish is icthus ... this was an acromym for " Jesus Christ, Son of God and Saviour " ( I think that is the translation) in Greek.

"Cub Tracks" -- it's what we use at Kaskaskia District, Greater St. Louis Council, similar to Baloo's Bugle.

Pack 1515 of Lynbrook USA (Iroqoius District of the Theodore Roosevelt Council) has a monthly newsletter called 'The Monthly Howl'. Tom Lynch, CC Pack 1515

My pack newsletter was called CUBBING. I had one for my Tiger Cub's called Tiger Tales. Randy

Pack 273 in Union City has
273 Pack Tracks (on-line) http://www2.inow.com/~wag/packtracks.html

I started out making Baloo's Bugle using Word back in'93, and using a 2-column format. We upgraded and had a newsletter wizard with the upgrade. I have been using that since. But there are other ways to do a newspaper/newsletter: below are instructions how to do a Pack Newspaper.

Pack Newspaper
Santa Clara Council

It doesn't have to be fancy nor computer-generated. Boys can hand-write their articles and illustrate them. Or adult can help type their articles. Cut and paste the articles and illustrations. Involve the boys. They like to see their own names in print.
At the pack meeting, set aside some time for "interviewing." Boys can interview Cub Scouts and ask them specific questions like their favorite Cub Scout activities, and their favorite after-school snack, etc. Make it short and simple. They can write a rough draft at the pack meeting and finish it up with illustrations at the den meeting. Each den can have their own page in the newspaper. Don't forget the news from the dens. (All of this ties in with Bear Achievements 8 and 18.)

How To Make Your Own Newspaper
Santa Clara Council

1. How to get started: Think of a name for your newspaper and decide which stories to include.
2. Gather the Facts: Interview people who have information. Visit the location where the story is taking place.
3. Write the story: Make an outline or rough draft first--all news reporters do that. Put the basics of WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY, and HOW at the beginning. Write a headline that tells the story in a few words. (Don't insist too much on correct writing style. If the boys enjoy writing, encourage them!)
4. Set the words in columns, if you wish. Most papers use a column format.
5. Begin to paste up the paper with articles and illustrations. Use glue stick or clear tape to hold in place.
6. Print your newspaper: Make one photocopy. If it looks good, make as many copies as needed. If dark lines show, use liquid correction fluid to cover. Make photocopies from corrected version. Deliver the newspaper to readers. (Have enough copies made for each boy in the pack. Some copying companies will give Scouters a discount. Others will give you a discount if you make at least 1000 copies, which is not difficult to do with the pack bulletin.


One summer, when our son went away to Webelos camp I made him a pillow while he was gone. This idea, I believe, is a fun easy craft for adults to do with all those scouting T-shirts our boys grow out of. Yet it will give the boys a lasting memory of their Tiger or Cubbing days.
Just to let you know though, I bought a small (sz 5) T-shirt to do this. I sewed the bottom and the sleeves (near the bottom of them) closed. I got poly fiberfill and stuffed the T-shirt and hand stitched the neck of the T-Shirt close. Voila, a quick easy pillow. This pillow isn't really for sleeping. It is used as a room/bed accessory. I would be interested in hearing if anyone has ever tried this with a Cub Scout shirt once his or her son has grown out of it.

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