Tiger Cub Big Idea #2 http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Trails/8712/tigers.html#Family%20Entertainment Big Idea #11 Making your Family
Special http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Trails/8712/tigers.html#Making
Your Family Special
Help learn to take a bite out of crime with
McGruff http://www.mcgruff-safe-kids.com/index.html Showman Word Search by Barb
Creighton http://www.creighton.edu/~bsteph/pack114/funpages/web-shw.html Scientist Ideas for this
Activity Badge http://compass.scouter.com/Training_and_Recognition/Webelos/Activity_Badge_Helps/Scientist/ http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/3797/scientist.htm Build a solar system http://www.exploratorium.edu/ronh/solar_system/ Your weight on other
planets http://www.exploratorium.edu/ronh/weight/index.html Grow a crystal
garden http://kidscience.miningco.com/library/weekly/aa031498.htm Scouting sites Tips on getting
parental involvement at this page http://www.usscouts.org/profbvr/ Hmmm, are you just wondering what kind of changes
there have been in advancement recently--check out Paul S. Wolf's
web page at USSSP http://www.usscouts.org/advance/contents.html Here is a new District site with a lot of good ideas,
I really liked the Resources page, with the Today's Feature which
covered the Aims and Methods of Scouting http://members.tripod.com/~colonialdistrict This is the pack I started out
with many many years ago http://members.aol.com/pack939/index.htm Found this site and I think it is interesting. This
American pack is over in Japan. Cool CSP too! http://www2.gol.com/users/fstriegl/scouts/Pack15/index.htm Home page for United States
Scouting Service Project. Some really cool new fonts for your PC
(Hint--Think of trees) http://www.usscouts.org/ GREAT site for Cub and Boy Scout Leaders and
Commissioners http://usscouts.org/profbvr/index.html This was my first scouting place I went to online over
a year ago. I still think it great! Gary and Kyna's MacScouter
site- http://www.macscouter.com/ Steve Tobin has an excellent site at The NetWoods
Virtual Campsite for Cubs. http://www.isd.net/stobin/cubscout.html And for Scouts and Scouters http://www.isd.net/stobin/index.html I liked the content of Pack 32's web page in
MA http://members.aol.com/Pack32MA/pack32.html Definitely check out the music, songs, clipart, etc.
link on Robin's page and listen to the tune "Chicken
Dance" http://www.tmconsult.com/scouts/robin.htm A Powwow online site. Again another site that has lots
of good information. http://www.geocities.com/~cubbobwhite/ Songs http://www.iinet.net.au/~oneilg/scouts/songs/songbook.html Don's site--lots of great information. Another spot
for a wealth of information. Sign his guest book
too http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/9152/ In addition to Lorie's great slide show site, she has
a great scouting site she maintains at http://home.att.net/~llmcgraw/etowah/ecd-indx.htm Another scouting site with lots of
links http://boyscouting.miningco.com/mbody.htm Barb's very stong scouting
site http://www.creighton.edu/~bsteph/pack114/ Just for Fun Consumer
Information Center--A great place for free or low-cost publications
http://www.pueblo.gsa.gov/ Pack-o-Fun-online resource for crafts and also how to
subscribe http://www.pack-o-fun.com/ Craft recipes, including sidewalk
chalk http://soar.berkeley.edu/recipes/crafts/ Go to where the past comes alive online at the History
Channel http://www.historychannel.com/ Check out the Peanuts
timeline http://www.unitedmedia.com/comics/peanuts/d_history/html/d1_intro.html Go here and vote for a Peanuts
Commemorative Stamp http://www.unitedmedia.com/comics/peanuts/e_club/html/stamp.html Go to this Time Capsule site. I went there and found
out the average income in 1954 (my birth year and yes I am that old)
was $3950.00. Other facts about most dates in history from 1900 to
1997 http://www.dmarie.com/asp/history.asp Gumby World http://www.gumbyworld.com/ Resource The scouting
graphics for all levels of scouting are available on line
at http://usscouts.org/library.htmlIt is
also available for purchase as a CD Rom at the following number