Just Imagine Closing
Ceremony Trapper Trails Council
1 - Rudyard Kipling, the famous English author, who
wrote the story of the Jungle Book, wrote a little poem. It begins
like this: I keep six honest serving-men (They taught me
all I knew)_; Their names are What and Why and When And How
and Where and Who. 2 - If you make these six your servants
imagine the things you could do! Just imagine for a minute that a
little green man from outer space lands in your backyard. Now he
wants to know how the picture gets in the television? What causes
thunder? Why does night come? Where did your parents live before you
were born? Could you answer his questions? 3 - From this moment
on you can decide to be an investigator. Ask questions about
everything that you have ever wondered about. What are clouds made
of? Are all of the lights in the night sky stars? How would I take
care of myself if my parents were gone all day? What can I make by
myself? How old are my pets compared to me? What kind of insects
live in the field behind my house? How do they protect themselves?
What is the street made of? Why is it cooler in the mountains than
down in the valley? If the mountains are closer to the sun shouldn't
it be hotter? If your parents, teachers and leaders can't give you
the answers, then look to books and computers. Just imagine! 4 -
Look around and you will find hundreds of things waiting to be
investigated. You've only one life and future -- make the best of
I got this from Scouts-L, that wonderful electronic
RT .
Here's an interesting science fair
experiment I read about. The student took a baby food jar, a peanut
butter jar, a gallon jar, & a big five-gallon bucket and filled
each one with dirt. Then he planted a bean seed in each and tried to
raise it. Well you can probably guess that the one in the baby food
jar never amounted to much and the one in the peanut butter jar was
stunted too. The one in the gallon jar did OK but the one in the big
bucket did the best. The plants that sprouted in the small
containers just didn't have enough room for the roots to grow &
spread. You may not realize it but you are all like those plants;
you've been planted in different sized jars--some big and some
small. But the jars aren't physical ones, they're mental ones. The
jars are the limits you impose on yourselves. If you believe
yourself to be inferior or if you believe you aren't able to do
something you are indeed inferior & unable to do it. But you can
face up to your shortcomings and work around them or overcome them.
You can say "I'm not very good at this but with work I can
improve", or "I can't do this but I can do that &
that, and being able to do those things compensates for not being
able to do this". So even though you may be in a small jar
you're not stuck there. You can transplant yourself to a larger one.
It might not be easy, but it can be done.
Mark W. Arend sent this in to
Scouts-L www.centuryinter.net/bdlib/ Scoutmaster, Troop
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