I would like to thank Lorie McGraw for being a huge
help this month getting information on whittling and knots for me
this month. She got a lot of the info she sent me from Scouts-L,
which is an electronic RT. I follow this RT either on a daily basis
or if we go out of town I get it in the digest form. If you are
interested in subscribing to this list you can find out by going
to http://members.aol.com/commishweb/scoutsl.html
I had an
occasion to whittle last month and it reminded me of when we worked
on the Whittlin' Chip as a den. I wanted to talk about it this month
and Mike Bowman was kind enough to write the forward for me to
This month I have some ideas that you can use to
help teach Bears how to whittle. And when your Cubs learn that they
are going to get to whittle, their eyes will probably light up with
excitement. This can be a lot of fun for Bears and in their
excitement many of them are going to want to carry their knives with
them to make sure that they can do the whittling at the den
Although you will be teaching the safe handling of
knives and helping the boys to learn a skill, most schools will not
find this a very satisfactory explanation for having a knife on
school property. Worse, some schools have a zero-tolerance policy
regarding weapons and having a Cub Scout knife at school could
result in expulsion from the school. The trick is to work around
this so that all of your Scouts get to have fun, but without
innocently running into trouble. For example, if your meeting is
after school and on school grounds, you probably should plan to hold
your meeting at a home or in someone's workshop when you teach
whittling. Because boys of this age tend to forget to give mom and
dad important information items, you may also want to have a
personal word with each parent to make sure that an adult brings the
knife to the meeting for each Bear.
The following idea was
submitted by Mike Bowman One idea that I really liked when I saw
it at a PowWow was for the den leader to make up a large pocket
knife with folding blades out of cardboard, construction paper or
what-have-you. The knife was about two feet long, which made it
large enough for all the boys to see when the den leader was
explaining safety and how to use the knife.
The following was
written by Steve Eisenberg. Your Cub Scout knife is an important
tool. You can do many things with its blades. The cutting blade is
the one you will use most of the time. With it you can make shavings
and chips and carve all kinds of things. You must be very careful
and think when you whittle or carve. Take good care of your knife.
Always remember that a knife is a tool, not a toy. Use it with care
so that you don't hurt yourself or spoil what you are
carving. Know the safety rules for handling a knife A knife is
a tool, not a toy. Know how to sharpen a knife. A sharp knife is
safer because it is less likely to slip and cut you. Keep the
blade clean. Never carry an open knife in your hand. When you
are not using a knife, close it and put it away. Keep your knife
dry. When you are using the cutting blade, do not try to make big
shavings or chips. Easy does it. Knives are not
toys! Close the blade with the palm of your hand. A knife
should never be used on something that will dull or break it Be
careful that you do not cut yourself or any person nearby. A
knife should never be used to strip the bark from a tree. Do not
carve your initials into anything that does not belong to
you. Test your knowledge
You should close the blade with the palm of your
hand True False A knife is just a
toy. True False It's okay to keep your knife
wet. True False A dull knife is more likely to slip
and cut you. True False You should carry your open
knife in your pocket. True False
Carving your initials into a tree is
okay. True False
The Pocketknife Pledge (fill in the
I understand the reason for
________________________________________ rules. I will treat my
pocketknife with the ______________________________ due a useful
tool. I will always ________________________________ my
pocketknife and put it away when not in use. I will not use my
pocketknife when it might _______________________ someone near
me. I ______________________________ never to throw my
pocketknife for any reason.
I will use my pocketknife in a safe manner at
Close, respect, injure, promise, all, safety,
********************************************* I am all for
the soap. But part of the Bear requirement is to earn their
whittling chip and IMO, that requires real knives. As far as
ideas go, the fish is the one I usually use, I feel the dog
suggested in the book is to hard. Depending on the time of year, an
xmas tree, snowman, valentine, or even an arrow might
work. Len *********************************************** I
suggest popsicle stick knives. They carve soap much better than the
plastic ones, and are smooth not serrated. Lorie This is
additional information Lorie found on Scouts-L about
whittling. From: Joe Munsch jmunsch@SLVSOFT.COM Subject: Re:
Whittling Chip Card Try basswood, balsa, or foam insulating
board. Balsa can be found at any hobby shop. Basswood at a good
lumber or hardwood lumber yard. Insulating board will be at most
lumber yards. Get the kind that's uniform foam, not bead's like a
styrofoam cup. It can be found in thicknesses of 1" to 3".
Foam is good for mockup of Pinewood Derby car's too. Drawback is
it's hard to carve fine detail, but it sands great. Joe Pack
623 Boulder Creek, CA
Robert Gerhard RAGerhard@AOL.COM Subject: Re:
Whittling Chip Instead of using soap to whittle-it can crack
easy-- Try mixing vermiculite with plaster. Mix the plaster as
per the instructions, then add the about the same amount of
vermiculite and let it set. You may have to experiment a bit to get
a consistency you like. (A little less vermiculite works better, I
think.) This gives you a lightweight medium that carves fairly
easily. Chalk also carves easily, but - because of size - is a
little limiting in what you can carve! My favorite? Fruit and
vegetables. Easy to carve, delicious to clean up! And no matter how
bad the artwork, I can definitely appreciate it!!! Hope this
helps!! Robert Gerhard Pack 83, Ft. Worth,
TX ************************************* "Steven G.
Tyler" sgtyler@EROLS.COM Not an uncommon occurrence
(cracking soap), but there's a lesson to be learned here: usually,
the carver is trying to make too deep a cut, which shows up in the
soap coming off the bar in chunks rather than a curl. If the Cub
makes a shallower cut, with the carving coming off in a smooth curl,
the bar will seldom break. This also will serve the Cub well when he
graduates to pine or other wood, since a big source of accidents
comes from trying to force the blade deeper than it should
be. Steve on Cattail Creek -
sgtyler@erols.com http://members.aol.com/troop339/ ******************************** Amy
aka Csmanyhats This week at day camp, the boys took slices of
apple and earned their whittling chip cards by cutting them in the
shape of wagon wheels. The session leader then put the slices in a
dehydrator to dry them. They turned out great.
*************************************** Barb from Pack 114 in
Nebraska--visit her site Our kids liked to fashion soap Pinewood
derby car shapes. Other ideas might include an ice cream cone, a
whistle shape, a star, a heart, or even a spherical ball. Happy
Scouting! Another pocketknife quiz at Barb's
site http://www.creighton.edu/~bsteph/pack114/funpages/bear-knife.html Barb
Stephens Academic Computing Creighton University
bsteph@creighton.edu Omaha, NE
68178 ********************************************** As you
can see whittling a fish from soap is kind of a popular idea, but
Randy has a different slant on the process When I fail in my
attempt at a fish, I turn the soap 90 degrees and make an
arrowhead! Randy ***************************************** We
were Bears last year and whittled small sailboats from ivory soap
(it floats!). When the outline was complete and some of the inside
scooped out we put in a mast made from cut-down wooden skewers and a
sail cut from a paper or plastic cup. We did, however, use pocket
knives with lots of supervision from parents. Bobbie
Beatson CM & Webelos Leader Pack 732 - Palm Bay
FL *********************************************
Some suggestions for whittling.......Den's in our
Pack have made the following: Indian Chief, an ice cream cone, an
arrowhead, and a dog. We used ivory soap and we did use regular
pocketknives. Each boy brought their own knife and their parent to
the meeting. I was very proud when the meeting ended and no one had
gotten cut. They learned the proper way to open and close a knife
and the rules of pocketknife safety. Once I was satisfied they could
handle the knife in a safe and appropriate manner, we began
whittling. Of course, by the end of the meeting I needed a
tranquilizer. Carla, now a Webelos Den Leader, Muscoot
District Westchester/Putnam Council,
NY *************************************** Soap carving-
animals great hit with boys and girls. There's much more to carve
than goldfish! My Jr. Girl Scout troop also carved people (looked
more like gingerbread-types, but satisfied a badge requirement. Same
can be done by boys.) -Jan Brewington
Here are some web sites about
whittling http://www.getasite.com/reitmeyer/whittle7.htm http://www.getasite.com/reitmeyer/whittle5.htm
Materials found in Baloo's Bugle may be used by Scouters for Scouting activities provided that USSSP, Baloo's Bugle and the original contributors are cited as the source of the material.