U. S. Scouting Service Project at http://www.usscouts.org


Hard Work Flag Ceremony
Trapper Trails Council

Equipment: American Flag

Cub #1: When we think of the American Cowboy, we think of long, hard working days.
Cub #2: Americans built our country with hard work.
Cub #3: In Cub Scouts we learn about the importance of work and service.
Cub #4: All workers contribute to the good of society through their labors.
Cub #5: Each year our nation honors all workers on Labor Day, the first Monday in September.
Cub #6: Some Americans celebrate Labor Day with a rodeo during the day and fireworks at night.
Cub #7: Please stand now and repeat the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag in remembrance of the contribution of all workers in our country.

Rodeo Trail Opening
Santa Clara Council

R is for Rodeo, a place where people challenge themselves
O is for Old Glory to whom we pledge our allegiance
D is for Doing our Best, the Cub Scout way
E is for the Energy that we always have
O is for Old West, the place where the Rodeo started.

T is for the Teamwork we find in our pack
R is for Rounding up fun for everyone.
A is for Achievement that we all aim for
I is for Ideals of Cub Scouting
L is for Lasso. Let's catch a wild time.

Rodeo Opening
Santa Clara Council

Dens are waiting outside the room. The boys are in western costume. Each den carries its flag. The color guard are in uniform.

Cubmaster: Good evening rodeo fans. Welcome to the Cub Scout Rodeo. Like any rodeo, we have thrills and chills, feats of daring, and best of all, we have a grand entrance. (Dens now enter and parade around the arena while recorded western music is played.) That's one of the best parts of the rodeo, with all the riders carrying their own flags. But the greatest flag of all is our own Old Glory. Let's show our respect now by rising to salute the flag of our county. (The color guards advance the colors and lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

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