WEBELOS AQUANAUT Swimming and water sports provide the finest exercise a boy can get. The skills involved last a lifetime. The boy who is a swimmer has self-confidence. Learning to swim well is an opportunity for personal adventure as he proudly learns to be an achiever-to never stop trying. Webelos have an additional opportunity through the Aquanaut Activity badge: to take part in a character-building process, as well as to learn skills which could conceivably one day save his live or that of another person. Careers/Speakers Scuba diver, seaman, marine photographer, fish hatchery worker, oceanographer, boat repairman, community pool operator, lifeguard, employee for the Department of Natural Resources, Coast Guard, Marines, or Navy. ACTIVITIES Scuba Invite a member of a scuba diving team to come to your meeting and bring equipment to demonstrate. Competition Go to see a swim meet or diving competition at the high school or college. Talk to the coach. Boy Scouts Invite several Boy Scouts to come to your meeting and talk about earning water merit badges. Ask them to tell about the summer camp waterfront activities they have enjoyed. Search and Rescue Visit your local police station and talk to the water search and rescue team. How often are they called out? What are some of the circumstances? What equipment do they take along? Games Dog Race Divide den into two teams and line up at poolside. First racer barks like a dog three times, then jumps in and swims to the other side doing the doggy paddle. When he touches the other side, he barks again like a dog. The next racer answers (barking three times) and jumps in. Repeat until all the "dogs" on one team are on the other side. Nuts and Bolts A good way to get used to being underwater is
to toss a large bolt with a nut on it into waist-deep water.
Scouts bend down to find the bolt and unscrew the nut while
underwater. Pack Meeting
Exhibits Masks, fins, snorkels, and wet
suits. Award Ceremony "Fish swim in water to survive, for that
is what they breathe. Man must also be able to swim in water to
survive, for he cannot breathe in it. The knowledge gained as an
Aquanaut is a preliminary and vital part of this life-long
learning. Materials found in Baloo's Bugle may be used by Scouters for Scouting activities provided that USSSP, Baloo's Bugle and the original contributors are cited as the source of the material. |
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