U. S. Scouting Service Project at http://www.usscouts.org


Robinson Crusoe's Diary
Greater St. Louis Area Council

This is a nonsense game that never fails to crack them up - the sillier, the better! Names of objects are written on slips of paper and dropped into a container. As "Mr. Crusoe" reads his diary, each "sailor" takes turns drawing from the container to fill in the blanks.

Copy these phrases on slips of paper:

A ship A dove A bonfire
A big tree Dandelions A wild goat
30 cannibals A loud noise Some gunpowder
My tent A strong fence A chest of gold
A goatskin A pile of straw A piece of canvas
My fieldglasses All my belongings A table and chair
A cup of goat's milk The top of the hill  


This morning I woke up early and ate my breakfast, which consisted of ________ and ________ . Afterward, I took my saw and hammer and built ________ . Since I was shipwrecked and alone, I had to go hunting in the woods to see what I might have for lunch. I forgot my gun, so I had to capture ________ with my bare hands. I also tried to catch ________ to but could not run fast enough. I went home to my cave, sat down in ________ and ate my lunch. Since my clothes were all lost at sea, I decided to make myself something to wear. I made a pretty neat hat from ________ and a coat out of ________ . I decided to wrap my feet in ________ . Suddenly, I heard a ________ and rushed out and climbed into ________ . I looked through ________ just in case I might see ________ . I didn't but there on the beach I saw ________ dancing in wild glee around ________ . Running up the trail toward my hideout ________ was crying out and looking very frightened. I hid the poor thing behind ________ . I then found my gun, loaded it with ________ and stood guard over ________ . When it seemed safe, I got busy and built ________ all around . Then I finally lay down in my comfortable bed, made of ________ , and slept soundly.

Materials found in Baloo's Bugle may be used by Scouters for Scouting activities provided that USSSP, Baloo's Bugle and the original contributors are cited as the source of the material.

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