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Space Derby Song
Istrouma Area Council Pow-wow Book

(Tune: Camptown Races)

(revised slightly)
Cub Scouts all join in the song,
Doo-dah, doo-dah.
Space ship wire is mighty long,
Oh, doo-dah day.


Going to fly so fast,
Going to get ahead,
Bet my money on a blue spaceship,
Somebody bet on the red.

Spaceships - red, blue, green and gray,
Doo-dah, doo-dah
Heading out for Space today,
Oh, doo-dah day.

Sing Chorus

Spaceships have a lot of speed
Doo-dah, doo- dah,
Lots of fuel is all they need,
Oh, doo-dah day.


The Daring Spaceman
Istrouma Area Council Pow-wow Book

(Tune: When Johnny Comes Marching Home)
(revised slightly)

I am a daring Astronaut,
Hurrah, hurrah,
I'm getting ready to blast off,
Hurrah, Hurrah
The rocket takes me high in space,
My capsule is a most comfortable place,
To a space adventure I'm on my way.

I'm orbiting around the moon,
Hurrah, Hurrah,
I think I'll land there very soon,
Hurrah, Hurrah.
I'll pitch and yaw, and roll through, space,
I've never seen such sights in a place
I'm a daring spaceman, Won't you come with me?

Let's fly to other planets now,
Hurrah, Hurrah.
Come fly with me, I'll show you how,
Hurrah, Hurrah
We'll stop at Mercury, and Mars,
At Neptune we can gaze at stars,
What a lovely sight, the wonderful world of space.

Oh, Give Me the Sky

(tune: Home on the Range)

Oh, give the sky, where I like to fly.
Where the birds and the airplanes go by..
Where often is heard just a whirlybird.
And the skies are not cloudy all day.


Up, up in the sky.
Where the birds and the insects go by,
Where often it's heard just a whirlybird.
And the skies are not cloudy all day.
How often at night when the skies are bright,
With the light from the glittering stars,
Have I stood here amazed and asked as I gazed,
If I could touch one of those hot stars.


Oh, give me a sky where the bright yellow sun,
Glows brightly down long, long sunbeams,
Where graceful white kites, go gliding along
Like white sheets in my silly day dreams.


Where the sky is so pure, the west winds so free,
The breezes so balmy and light.
That I could always fly my plane in the sky.
Through all of the big cities bright.


Crazy Weather
Indian Nations Council Pow-wow Book

(tune: Storm Weather)

Don't know why there's pigs falling from the sky,
Crazy weather. I didn't know pigs had feathers,
I didn't know they could fly.

Don't know why the cyclone blew through the pig sty,
Farming weather. Since those darn pigs flew together,
They're landing left and right.

Don't know why I've got pig snot in my eye,
Slimy weather. Sure hope the forecast gets better,
Got pork up to my eyes.

Farmer Brown, heard he's headed for the town,
Well he'd better pick up the pigs that are splattered
All over my front yard.

Materials found in Baloo's Bugle may be used by Scouters for Scouting activities provided that USSSP, Baloo's Bugle and the original contributors are cited as the source of the material.

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