October Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 7, Issue 2

Our Gifts and Talents (Webelos Showman & Citizen)



Witches Brew
Greater St. Louis Area Council

Ingredients: 1 qt. Apple juice, 1 1/2 canned, unsweetened pineapple juice, 2 TBS fresh lemon juice, 3 cinnamon sticks

Mix all ingredients together in a saucepan. Heat over low heat until ready to serve. Remove cinnamon sticks. Ladle brew into serving cups.

Worms on a Bun
Greater St. Louis Area Council

Hot dogs, hamburger rolls, ketchup

Cut the hot dogs into thin slices and score the edges (about three cuts per slice). Boil or microwave until the slices curl like wiggly worms. Serve three or four worms to a bun and, for an extra-icky toucch, add a few squiggles of ketchup.

Eyeballs on the Ritz
Greater St. Louis Area Council

Ingredients: Eggs; hardboiled, black olives, Ritz crackers, red food coloring

Cut hard-boiled eggs in half lengthwise. Remove yolks and make filling for deviled eggs. Cut out small hole from bottom center of each egg (about 5/8" diameter.) Poke a black olive partway through each hole and hold in place by filling eggs with yolk filling. Place each egg, olive side up, on a Ritz cracker. Paint red lines, resembling blood veins, with a toothpick on the eye.

Trapper Trail Council

1 box cake mix or 2 boxes muffin mix (and ingredients to make cake or muffins)
Prepared vanilla frosting
Yellow and red food coloring
String or pull apart licorice
Chocolate covered raisins, small black jellybeans or semi-sweet chocolate morsels

In a mixing bowl prepare mix according to package directions for cupcakes. Fill the muffin cups halfway. Bake according to package directions. Cool completely. Add coloring to make the frosting orange and spread on cupcakes. Cut licorice into 2-inch pieces. Press 8 licorice pieces into frosting for legs. Insert 2 raisins, jellybeans or semi-sweet chocolate morsels for the eyes. Makes 24 spiders.



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