September Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 7, Issue 1

Pockets (Webelos Communicator & Citizen)



There are 17 Tiger Big Ideas. Always start the Tiger Cub program starts with Big Idea #1 Getting to Know You and end with Big Idea #17, Cub Scouting Here We Come. Other than those two use the Big Ideas that work for your pack. This year Baloo's Bugle will be doing the Big Ideas in order #1 - #17, since it is easier for me to follow that : )

Induction of Tiger Cub Coordinator
Northwest Suburban Council

Will (Name) please come forward: At this point either the Cubmaster or Pack Leader presents the Tiger Cub Coordinator with scrolls of paper like diplomas. Each scroll has one word on it: Enthusiasm, Knowledge, Responsibility, and Tiger Cub Promise.

I present you with ENTHUSIASM - enthusiasm to SEARCH out new and exciting things to do with your Tiger Cub Den.

I present you with KNOWLEDGE to be able to DISCOVER new adventures and new activities to do with your Tiger Cub den.

I present you with RESPONSIBILITY --the responsibility to SHARE all the great things you have discovered and grown in knowledge with your Tiger Cub Den.

I present you with the TIGER CUB PROMISE. Tiger Cub Coordinator opens the scroll and reads: "I promise to love God, my family and my country, and to learn about the world."

Living up to this will be a challenge for your and your Tiger Cub Den. Welcome to the wonderful world of Tiger Cubs.

Big Idea #1--Getting To Know You
Northwest Suburban Council

Equipment: Paper and Pencils

Tigers, with the help of their partners, write down six things they could never have too much of. When everyone is finished, they sign their paper and pass it in to the leader. The leader reads the papers out loud while everyone tries to guess whose list is being read. Writer must confess to their own list if no one guesses.

Tiger Time Capsule
Northwest Suburban Council

You need a plastic bottle. Write a message about what you did at your Tiger activity: something about your family, friends, school, your favorite games, songs, etc. Roll up the message and place it in the bottle..

Take it home and maybe add a few marbles, a penny, or anything else that might fit in the bottle. Each boy should bury his own time capsule in his own backyard. Just think how fun it would be if every boy waited until he bridged from Webelos into Boy Scouts before digging the capsule up!

Remember: plastic or a glass container will survive. Can and cardboard will be broken organically.

Getting to Know You
Denver Area Council

Make a poster as a group with the Tiger Promise, Motto. Have nametag materials and make name tags. Make a totem topper for your Tiger den table. Have a family picnic, discuss what group things you would like to do this year. Open your meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance, Tiger Motto (let the Tigers repeat after the leader). Get ready to go to your next pack meeting and be prepared to say the Tiger Motto. Start a Tiger den scrapbook by giving each Tiger a 3-ring notebook to decorate in one of your first den meetings.

Opening Ceremony (Tigers)
Northwest Suburban Council

The word "TIGERS" is spelled out on cards, with the words to each line written on the back. Boys may hold cards and adult partners may read lines.

What is Tiger Cubs?

T -Time spent building a stronger relationship with a boy and his family.

I - Introducing a boy and his family to Scouting.

G - Getting to know others and oneself better.

E - Entering into a group, being part of something special.

R - Reaching out to one another and getting hands-on experience.

S - Sharing and discovering new things and ideas.

This is what Tiger Cubs is all about Searching, Discovering, Sharing.

Tiger Cub Candlelight Induction
Heart of America Council

Personnel: Cubmaster, Committee Chairman, Den Chief & Tiger Cubs

Equipment: Table, enlarged Cub Scout emblem, 3 candles with holders, Tiger Cub patch and certificate for each Tiger Cub

Setting: Tiger Cubs wait outside room with Den Chief. Table is placed at front of room holding Cub emblem and 3 candles. The room is in darkness. When all is ready, the Den Chief knocks on the door from the outside. Cubmaster and Committee Chairman stand behind the table.

Cubmaster: Who wishes to enter this meeting room?

Den Chief: Den Chief ______ with Tiger Cubs to join this pack.

Cubmaster: What are the names of the Tiger Cubs?

Den Chief: (names the Tiger Cubs).

Cubmaster: Bring the Tiger Cubs inside. (Den Chief brings Tiger Cubs into room and leads them to front of table. He then takes his seat in the audience.)

Cubmaster: (To Tiger Cubs) You have entered from the darkness of the outer world to the light symbolizing Scouting. This candle (he lights one) stands for the Spirit of Scouting. There are many benefits to be gained from belonging to Cub Scouting. You will learn a great deal, you will have a chance to help others, you will be rewarded for your efforts, and you will have a lot of fun. The Cub Scout promise is the basic principle of Cub Scouting. (Lights candle representing promise.) Will you repeat it with me please?

(Cubmaster gives Cub sign and begins the promise. Tiger Cubs join him.)

Committee Chairman: Just as the Cub Scout promise is the basic principle of Cub Scouting, the Law of the Pack is the fundamental rule governing Cub Scouting. (lights third candle) Please give the Cub Scout sign and repeat with me.

(Committee Chairman gives sign and leads Tigers in repeating Law of the Pack.)

Cubmaster: Remember well the Promise and the Law of the Pack and use them as your guide for personal conduct in the years to come. And now we ask that the parents of these Tiger Cubs come forward to receive the patches and certificates for their sons.

(Parents come forward and stand behind their son. Cubmaster presents the Tiger Cub patches and certificates to parents, who in turn present, them to their sons.)

Cubmaster: (to parents) Parents play an important role in Cub Scouting. You will work together with your sons on their achievements and electives. You will find that you will learn as well as your sons and in having fun with him will become a closer family.

Cubmaster: (to boys) Congratulations! And good Cub Scouting to you all. (salutes)

Tiger Track Induction Ceremony
Northwest Suburban Council

This ceremony is designed to welcome new Tiger Cubs and/or groups into Tiger Cubs. It also introduces them to the Tiger Cub Promise. The Tiger Track ceremony prop can be made from wood. Paint a simple Tiger Track on it and mount the candles or lights as shown.


Tiger Ceremony Picture


The Tiger Track is an important symbol in the Tiger Cub program. As you progress through Tiger Cubbing and finish each Big Idea, you will be presented a Tiger Track to iron on your shirt. The Tiger Track has a special meaning. Listen carefully and you will hear about this special meaning.

The palm in the track represents the spirit of Scouting (light front candle). The spirit of scouting is one of helping and friendship. Each toe represents a point in the Tiger Cub Promise. The first point is (light first candle) I promise to love God. Your parents and religious leaders teach you to know and serve God. By following these teachings, you show your love of God.

The second point is: (Light second candle) I promise to love my family. A Tiger Cub should always be kind and helpful to family. By helping your home to be a happy place, you show your love to your family.

The third point is (Light third candle) I promise to love my country. This means being a good American. You help your community in any way you can. By being a good citizen, you show your love to your country.

The fourth point is (Light fourth candle: I promise to learn about the world. The world we live in is a big and beautiful place. There are many things to learn. As a Tiger Cub, you will learn a lot about your world.

Now, each time you see a Tiger Track, it will help you to remember the Tiger Cub Promise. Would all the Tiger Cub Partners please stand and repeat the Tiger Cub Promise:

I promise to love God, my family, and my country, and to learn about the world."

You are now officially a part of our Tiger Cub group. WELCOME! We are excited to have you in our group.

Tiger Cub Induction Ceremony
Greater St. Louis Area Council

Equipment: Orange felt board with a large Tiger Track cut out of black felt. Each piece is placed on the board as it is mentioned in the ceremony.

The Tiger Track is an important symbol in Tiger Cubs.

The Palm (place on felt board) represents the Spirit of Scouting - helping and friendship.

Each Toe represents a point of the Tiger Cub Promise.

First Toe (place one toe on felt board)
I promise to love God
Parents, family members and religious leaders teach you how to know and serve. When you follow their teachings, you show you love God.

Second Toe (place second toe on felt board)
I promise to love my family
Tigers should always be kind and helpful to family. Helping makes your home happy, helping shows your love.

Third Toe (place third toe on felt board)
I promise to learn about the world
The world is a big and beautiful place.
There are many things to learn and as Tiger Cubs, you will learn a lot about your world.

The Tiger Track helps you remember the Tiger Cub promise.

Tiger Cubs and Partners, please repeat the Promise with me.

Ten little Tigers
Northwest Suburban Council

One little, two little, three little Tigers,
Four little, five little, six little Tigers,
Seven little, eight little, nine little Tigers,
Ten little Tiger Cub Boys.

Sing through once and then reverse the words on the next time through:
Ten little, nine little, eight little Tigers, and so on to one little Tiger Cub boy. For extra excitement, you can give a Tiger roar after the second verse.

Tiger Tales Scrapbook

Materials: orange and white three-prong (folder for each boy, three-hole punched typing paper, Tiger Cub stickers, other decorations as desired.

Have the Tiger Cubs assemble their scrapbooks and decorate as desired. They can draw pictures, attach photos, and keep mementos of Tiger Cub events in their new scrapbooks.

Name Tag

The boys can make a helping hand name tag. The boys trace their hand on fun foam or construction paper. You can hot glue or use Elmers glue to attach a safety pin. You can also use a straight pin.

Big Idea #2, Family Entertainment
San Francisco Bay Area

Opening: Recite the Tiger Cub Promise

Search: Plan to go bowling for the group activity of the month. Decide where, the time and cost.

Discover: Explain the rules of bowling to the boys. Make a bowling game. Have each team bring an empty 2 liter bottle. At the meeting cover the main part of the bottle with a strip of paper and number the pins accordingly 1 through 10. Set them up. Roll a ball towards the pins. Score as in regular bowling or make up your own points.

Share: Share some family activities from the past month or discuss your favorite sport.

Closing: Recite the Tiger Cub Motto.

Clothespin Puppets
San Francisco Bay Area

Materials: Clothespins (1 for each puppet), cardboard, markers and crayons, glue

Cut out face from cardboard. Cut face in half after it has been drawn and colored like a family member. Glue upper half of the face on the upper part of the clothespin. Glue bottom half of face to lower part of clothespin. Make puppets talk by opening half the clothespin.

Heart of America Council

Opening: Recite the Tiger Cub Promise

Search: Plan to visit the library for the group activity of the month. Find out who has library cards. Make the necessary arrangements. Discuss different kinds of books - fiction, autobiographies, science fiction, etc.

Discover: Have each Tiger Cub and adult partner act out a book title. Remind them to use a book that everyone should know about.

Share: Share your favorite book.

Closing: Recite the Tiger Cub Motto.

Ice Cream
Indian Nations Council

Materials needed: Cream, dish towel, salt, glass, large bowl, ice cubes, chocolate milk powder, tablespoon, milk

  1. Mix one spoon of chocolate, two spoons of milk, and one spoon of cream in the glass
  2. Put some ice cubes in the bowl and sprinkle a lot of salt over them
  3. Place the glass of ice cream mixture in the large bowl, on top of the salted ice cubes.
  4. Build up more layers of ice cubes and salt around the glass.
  5. Place the dishtowel over the bowl. Leave the ice cream mixture to set for an hour. Stir it every few minutes.
  6. Take the glass out of the bowl, and taste your homemade chocolate ice cream.

Craft-Stick Puzzles
Greater St. Louis Area Council

Materials: large tongue depressors, markers
Process: Lay several depressors in a row. The children draw puzzles on the sticks. Secure the sticks with tape while drawing. Mix up the sticks and have the children put back in order.

Variations: Attach a greeting card to the sticks. When glue has dried cut apart with scissors. Mix up the sticks and have the children put them back together.


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