September Cub Scout Roundtable Issue |
Volume 7, Issue 1 |
Pockets (Webelos Communicator & Citizen) |
DEN DOODLE Heart of America Council The den doodle is an emblem chosen by the den as its central form of den recognition. During den meetings, the doodle is the gathering point for the boys to show their achievements and other various records (such as participation or attendance). The den doodle can readily be used as ceremonial equipment during either a den or pack ceremony for recognizing the advancement of the Cub Scout. The den doodle's form can be just about anything. The main importance is that it expresses instant recognition of which den it belongs. The emblem chosen and the den designation are two main features which should be incorporated into the den doodle design. From this emblem there may be suspended some device (string, leather strips, shoelaces, wood, etc.) called a doodle dangle to show the earned achievements of the Cub Scouts. The materials need not be expensive, many are created from objects in the common household. **************************** Pocket Den Doodle Cut the background from heavy duty plastic bag. Fill with small plastic lizards, frogs, worms, etc. Also include pebbles, dirt and sticks. Seal the bag using a bag sealer.
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