August Cub Scout Roundtable Issue |
Volume 6, Issue 12 |
Toughen Up (Webelos Naturalist & Forester) |
WEBELOS Two months ago I used the wrong Webelos Theme. You will find Artist and Traveler in the June issue. Naturalist and Forester should have been covered then, so I am covering them now. Forester Freebies to send away for Free fact sheets on floods, drought, ground water Free Hands On kit
Ten year old boys and trees are natural companions. To these boys a tree is good for climbing, swinging from, or building a tree house. Through the Forester Activity Badge, it is hoped that the boy's appreciation for trees may be expanded. In earning the badge, the boy may learn how trees grow, or how to identify them, or how to plant and care for them. Hopefully; he will learn how important a role they play as one of our natural resources. Careless people start 125,000 forest fires each year. The Webelos Scout should learn how to prevent becoming a part of that statistic. Later, when he becomes a Scout, the boy may wish to continue the study of trees with the Forestry Merit Badge. It is certain he will spend a lot of time in the woods, hiking, camping and adventuring. This is just the beginning of his life-long friendship with trees. He should learn not to use his knife or axe on live trees, the difference between green and dry wood, and which is best for campfires. Materials: Art foam Cut a tree out of green art foam and trunk out of brown art foam. Glue trunk to bottom of tree. Decorate with paint. Glue pipe cleaner on back. Tree Quiz
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