Volume 6 Issue 7
February 2000


Greater St. Louis Area Council

Welcome, everyone, to the Kitchen of Master Chef Henri Ovenfried. When we asked the Master Chef to join us tonight and we told him what an honor it would be for us, he just replied, "That's puddin' it lightly." We are ecstatic Henry could join us and when we informed him we loved his cooking, he just said, "That's the corny truth.: But he got offended when I asked him to share some of his recipes and told me, "It's nacho business." So remember Chef Henri is offended easily.


Growing Carrots (or Cub Scouts) Ceremony
Heart of America Council

Equipment: A carrot seed and a carrot with top

Cubmaster: This little carrot seed doesn't look like much, does it? It's tiny and fragile. But if we plant it in good soil, and if we make sure that it gets plenty of sunlight, air and water, it will grow up to be a big, healthy, delicious carrot like this one.

Cub Scouts are like carrots. They need certain things, too, like good food, rest and exercise. But Cub Scouts need something more than that. If they are going to be the kind of men we all admire, they have to have healthy minds and spirits, as well as healthy bodies.

In Cub Scouting, and later on in Scouting, boys can develop that extra quality of mind and spirit. They do it by following the Cub Scout Promise and later, the Scout Oath. Will all of you join me now in the Cub Scout Promise? (After repeating the Promise, ask a Webelos Den to repeat the Scout Oath.)

Then say "The Promise and the Scout Oath are guides for growing minds. Let's all pledge to use them, just as we use food, water and exercise to help our bodies grow".


Cub Scout Garden
Heart of America Council
(Could also be used as closing)

First, plant five rows of PEAS:

  1. Preparedness
  2. Promptness
  3. Perseverance
  4. Politeness
  5. Praise

Then, plant five rows of LETTUCE:

  1. Let us be faithful
  2. Let us be unselfish
  3. Let us be loyal
  4. Let us be truthful
  5. Let us help one another

Next plant three rows of SQUASH

  1. Squash impatience
  2. Squash criticism
  3. Squash indifference

No garden is complete without TURNIPS

  1. Turn up for pack meetings
  2. Turn up with new ideas
  3. Turn up with determination

But, without many hours of work and care, no garden can grow, so:

  1. Don't wait to be asked VOLUNTEER!
  2. Don't say, "I Can't" DO IT!
  3. Don't wait for someone else. BE FIRST!


Recipe for Fun Opening Ceremony
Trapper Trails Council

We have for you a special treat,
A recipe for fun!
A special blend that can't be beat
In an hour or so it's done.

First you need a super leader
Not just anyone you seize
One who care, not a retreater,
Make no substitutions please.

To help make this treat a real gem
Add loyal parents now
you know we couldn't do without them.
They deserve to take a bow.

Now add three cheers for the one
that we call the Cubmaster,
And his crew that plan the fun.
Keep stirring, faster, faster!

Now most important of this all,
The reason for the rest.
The boys who will have a ball.
They make this treat the best!

It doesn't matter where we're mixed
That's always optional.
But what you get when it is fixed
Is simply sensational!


Food for Thought
York Adams Council

Narrator: Years ago, doctors conducted a study in an orphanage that monitored the health of the children and compared that against the food, physical care, and attention (love) they received. What the doctors found was that, while food is absolutely necessary to survive, people also needed care and love to be healthy. Without it, the children suffered all types of illness.

Just as the body needs nourishment, attention, care and love to survive and to thrive so do other living things. And our country is a living thing. In order for it to survive, it needs the food of financial support. It needs the caring of service to each other. And it needs the love of commitment and allegiance. Let's join together to pledge our commitment to provide for each other—our country. (Salute and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.)


A Cub Scout Recipe
York Adams Council

Setting: Have boys dressed in chef outfits (aprons, chef hats, etc) working at a kitchen table with a large soup pot. Inside the soup pot is the pack flag or a facsimile of it. Print out each ingredient on a large (8-1/2 by 11) sheet that can be propped up as it is read off. Then, as the directions are being said, the "chefs" add them to the soup pot. At the end of the directions, when the "servings" amount is being read, have boys pull out the flag and hold it up for everyone to see.

Narrator: Tonight we gather again to celebrate Cub Scouting and to enjoy the company of one another. Looking through the Baden-Powell Cookbook, we found this easy-to-follow recipe for a fun-filled, exciting program:


  • 1 super Pack with lots of Dens
  • 5 levels of Cub Scouts - Tiger Wolf, Bear, 1st-year Webelos and 2nd-year Webelos
  • Den Leaders as needed
  • 1 Committee of helpful adults
  • 1 fun-loving Cubmaster with Assistants
  • Many, many parents to make it happen


Combine boys of each Cub Scout level into Dens to form strong Pack. Add Den Leaders to give guidance. Line with Committee Members. Add in Cubmaster until well worn. Fold in assistants. Top with willing, giving parents. Cook in Pack Meeting room until everyone has had a great time.

This recipe serves all Cub Scouts in Pack [number] and their families.


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