A new version of the merit badge pamphlet for this merit
badge, with some revised requirements, was issued during 2004 after
the 2004 edition of BOY SCOUT REQUIREMENTS was issued.
New text is in bold underlined text like this
Deleted portions are struck through
italic text like this sentence.
To see the requirements with no highlighting
of the changes,
Click Here
Click here for the previous
To see the current requirements,
Click here
- Describe the meaning and purposes of fish and wildlife conservation
and management.
- List and discuss at least three major problems that continue
to threaten your state's fish and wildlife resources.
- Describe some practical ways in which everyone can help with
the fish and wildlife effort.
- List and describe five major fish and wildlife management practices
used by managers in your state.
- Do ONE of the following:
- Construct, erect, and check regularly at least two artificial
nest boxes (wood duck, bluebird, squirrel, etc.) and keep written
records for one nesting season.
- Construct, erect, and check regularly bird feeders and keep
written records of the kinds of birds visiting the feeders in
the winter.
- Design and implement a backyard wildlife habitat improvement
project and report the results.
- Design and construct a wildlife blind near a game trail,
water hole, salt lick, bird feeder, or birdbath and take good
photographs or make sketches from the blind of any combination
of 10 wild birds, mammals, reptiles, or amphibians.
- Do ONE of the following:
- Observe and record 25 species of wildlife. Your list may
include mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and
fish. Write down when and where each animal was seen.
- List the wildlife species in your state that are classified
as endangered, threatened, exotic, game species, furbearers,
or migratory game birds.
- Start a scrapbook of North American wildlife. Insert markers
to divide the book into separate parts for mammals, birds, reptiles,
amphibians, and fish. Collect articles on such
subjects as life histories, habitat, behavior, and feeding habits
on all of the five
categories and place them in your notebook accordingly. Articles
and pictures may be taken
cut from
old discarded
or science, nature and outdoor magazines; or
can be photocopied
from other sources including the Internet (with your parent's
permission). Enter at least five
articles on mammals, five
10 on
birds, five
5 on reptiles, five on amphibians,
and five
5 on fish. Put each animal in alphabetical
order. Include pictures whenever possible.
- Do ONE of the following:
- Determine the age of five species of fish from scale samples
or identify various age classes of one species in a lake and
report the results.
- Conduct a creel census on a small lake to estimate catch
per unit effort.
- Examine the stomach contents of three species of fish and
record the findings. It is not necessary to catch any
fish for this option. You must (may) visit a cleaning station
set up for fishermen or find another, similar alternative.
- Make a freshwater aquarium. Include at least four species
of native plants and four species of animal life, such as whirligig
beetles, freshwater shrimp, tadpoles, water snails, and golden
shiners. After 60 days or observation, discuss with your counselor
the life cycles, food chains, and management needs you have
recognized. After completing requirement 7d to your counselor's
satisfaction, with your counselor's assistance, check local
laws to determine what you should do with the specimens you
have collected.
- Using resources found at the library and in periodicals,
books, and the Internet (with your parent's permission), learn about
three different kinds of work done by fish and wildlife managers.
Find out the education and training requirements for each position.
NOTE: The last sentence of requirement 7c , which
was added to the merit badge pamphlet in 2004, has read "You may visit
..." in the merit badge pamphlet, and "You must visit ..." in every
edition of Boy Scout Requirements since it was added to that
book in 2005.
The correct word should probably be "may", since,
given the context of the entire requirement, if the Scout catches his
own fish, why require him to go elsewhere to examine their stomach contents?
However, until it's changed in Boy Scout Requirements, the
official requirement reads "You must visit ...". We've notified the
BSA merit badge development team of this issue.
BSA Advancement ID#: 51
Pamphlet Revision Date: 2004
Requirements last updated in 2005
Page updated on:
November 18, 2021
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